Musical Horoscopes: Your Zodiac in Music

We all check our horoscopes. Most of the time we try to hide it, pretending like we don’t care about what the stars have to say about the projection of our lives. We laugh about it, joking that the once-daily Co-Star notifications are just fun tidbits of unrealistic knowledge. We don't really believe that the stars and the planets contribute to our lives and personalities… right? 

Let’s not kid ourselves here: It’s totally real. Has to be! It’s in the stars, and the stars are never wrong. So, what do they have to say about the music genre that best represents your zodiac?

Image courtesy: @virtualhails

Aries - Rock & Roll

Aries is the spunky & fiery first sign of the zodiac. You get shit done on your own terms, doing it with style and intense passion. Rock and roll is your baby — there are no rules, and you’re always striving for a new goal. Rock gives you the freedom to do your own thing, to throw caution to the wind and just go for it. It’s a genre that can get pretty crazy, and Aries is no stranger to the “fuck it” mentality. 

Taurus - Classical

Taurus is the first of the earth signs, a deeply intuitive sign that enjoys the luxury of life but shies away from overzealousness. As a Taurus, you do your best to protect your peace in as many aspects of your life as possible, making you the classical music representative of the zodiac. Classical music is calming and harmonized, just how Taurus likes the day-to-day. Don’t be fooled: There’s some serious spunk under your shell, and classical music is no different (Vivaldi’s “La Follia,” anyone?).

Gemini - Pop

The dual personalities of Gemini take on new life with the pop genre. Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac, a little social butterfly with a thousand interests and no time to spare. Pop is the cutting edge, but it covers a wide range of topics. Similarly, you know you’ll never be content settling down in one limited genre. You need variety, you need people, and pop is where you find it.

Image courtesy:  @chrisninababe

Cancer - Country

The emotional nature of Cancer is perfectly reconciled with country music. This genre is all about depth and vulnerability, reflecting the gentle and protective nature of Cancer. Like many country artists, you can take a while to open up; you’re protective of your emotions, but you have a lot of them. Once you really get to their core, though, both Cancer and country feel deeply about everything, and aren’t afraid to share it once you break through their outer shell.

Leo - Hot Girl Rap

There’s no other way to describe this: Leo’s have hot girl energy. You’re all fire and drama, completely energetic and loyal to your cores. Leo’s are Megan Thee Stallion, they’re Doja Cat remixes. Much like this genre, you’re all about making the people around you feel good as hell, and you’ll go out of your way to express your appreciation for the ones you love. If you need a hypewoman, Leo’s and their hot girl playlists are the obvious choice.

Virgo - House

Okay, hear me out. Virgo is the earthiest of the earth signs: you’re a perfectionist, a logical thinker, and you definitely have a method to your madness. Is that not the perfect description of every wannabe DJ? They toil for hours over the right mashups, making sure the beats and scratches line up just so. When it’s all over, the result is a blaring concert and a crazy good time – and while earth signs get a homebody reputation, nobody parties like a Virgo who just finished a particularly challenging assignment.

Image courtesy: Michael Rowland

Libra - R&B

One thing about Libra is that they’re going to protect their peace. As a Libra, you’re always looking for balance in your life, in any place you can find it. That’s what makes R&B so perfect: there’s depth and intensity, but it’s balanced by calmer beats and gorgeous vocals. Libra is a deep thinker, and they know their emotions better than anyone. Like the R&B genre, you’re always keeping it real.

Scorpio - Latin

Scorpio is one of the most nuanced signs — though a water sign by nature, your passionate lifestyle can rival the emotional intensity of the fire signs. Scorpio’s are all energy and zeal, perfectly mirroring the nature of latin music. You’re intuitive and strong-willed, often found at the center of a conversation, which comes out in the lyrical potency of the latin genre. You know how to have fun, and your infectious spirit riles up everyone around you. 

Sagittarius - Alternative Rock

Sagittarius is one of the most adaptable zodiacs, known for an adventurous attitude towards all areas of life. You're everything alt-rock. Just like the genre, you can take any situation and make it fun, molding the world around you to match your energy. The alt-rock experience is all about making old new again, about challenging yourself and taking the next step, something Sagittarius values deeply.

Image courtesy: @emmaar8

Capricorn - Jazz

The Capricorn spirit is all about patience and dedication. As the last earth sign in the zodiac, you’re extremely sophisticated in both emotional and literal terms, making you the perfect match for jazz music. Jazz is all about expressing emotion through instruments, paralleling the Capricorn tendency to show love through actions rather than words. 

Aquarius - Indie

There’s an air of mystery around Aquarius, making them the perfect candidates for the indie genre. Known for an innovative spirit, Aquarius is a supportive sign always ready to help. Indie music is about discovery and transformation, learning who you are on a deeper level. You’re always down for a deep talk about life — you want to know more about yourself, your friends and the world.  

Pisces - Soul

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, a water sign with deep emotions and intuition. You’re incredibly empathetic and sensitive to those around you, making you the perfect candidate for Soul. This genre is all about reaching deep inside and pulling out the depths of emotion, displaying them for all to see. Similarly, you make it your business to care deeply for your friends and family, considering their wants and needs and making it known that the people in your life are adored and respected.

Image courtesy: Pinterest

Whether you’ve deeply analyzed your big three or briefly skimmed over your best friend’s zodiac, this guide represents the music that best matches the 12 sisters of the zodiac. Hopefully this guide can help you to find new music or branch out from your daily tunes - after all, it’s in the stars.

Strike out,

Writer: Hailey Petriccione

Editor: Olivia Hansen

Graphic: Anabel Dent



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