Million Dollar Mom

People always say that having children will destroy your life, your youth, and your career. As a single mom who prioritizes my goals and dreams, I think it’s safe to say that you don’t have to stop chasing them despite the change. Whatever they may be, motherhood only motivates you to achieve more- not less. It’s hard, but it is well worth the effort, and this change will only lead to a surprisingly balanced lifestyle.

There is a stigma around motherhood and it pushes this toxic idea that once you have children, you can no longer do the things that you love. It says that you have no free time, or you cannot have hobbies, a well-paying job, or big dreams to chase. In June a study was conducted, only to find that 70.4% of working mothers had children the age of 5 or younger. Moms have to take care of themselves, their careers, goals, and dedicate themselves to working hard both at home and in the workforce. Not all mothers want to work outside of the home, and that is okay! For the ones who do, and feel that it is impossible, it is not!

I remember bringing my baby home from the hospital and feeling so much love, but also, so much confusion about what the next steps would look like in my life. Could I still go to school and get a good education and degree? Could I still pursue my dreams of becoming a freelance writer? Could I still work? All of these questions have an answer, and that is YES. It is hard work to raise someone else while taking care of yourself, but it is possible and well worth it. My son is almost a year and a half, I graduate college next week, and I am starting a new job first of the year! I hope to continue to write and publish some of the creative pieces that I have written.

Motherhood is often looked down upon in a sense, especially when you have children at a younger age or you are not married or parenting with anyone else. The world understands the aspect of knowing that lots of women mother alone, but does not fully grasp just how hard it is to do so. People are quick to tell you what you should and should not be doing based on their own opinion of a topic they are not experiencing themselves. Let this motivate us as mothers, rather than tear us down. This should drive us to continue to show the world and ourselves that we can achieve anything we set our mind to. Even with a baby in our arms!

Don’t ever let people tell you that you can’t do it. My life will forever be a balance of home life work and career work and I am okay with that! Just like my son needs me, I need my education, my job, hobbies and interests, and a social life! You do not have to set your goals aside for anyone or anything. Instead, let the hard parts of life motivate you to do more, and be a better version of yourself. This is how I view the beauty of motherhood and the importance of doing what I love, even when people say that it is simply impossible.

Strike Out,

Writer: Jade Pierce

Blog Editor: Sarah Singleton

Further Reading:


The Time to Write is NOW


Indian Fashion Fusion