Miley Cyrus’ Festival Fashion

Image Courtesy: Vijat M

The fashion of now is certainly unique; every individual has their own definition of what is considered “stylish”. Rightfully so, this has allowed individuals to become absolutely unapologetic in what they wear. It isn’t against the grain either - fashion icons and celebrities alike have shown us that wearing what makes you feel powerful is the way to go. 

Miley Cyrus has proven time and time again that she quite frankly doesn’t care about what standard people hold her to. The transition from her Disney career to the Bangerz era became a controversial move; the shock factor got people riled up about how the once family-friendly celebrity became...well... not so family-friendly. Miley’s bold play in the industry didn’t solely have to do with her singing or acting career though, her fashion choices sparked just as much outrage. For me, I’d call it more, inspiring bad b*tch energy if you will. 

Let's take a scroll through Miley’s Instagram feed to better understand what I’m talking about.

Most recently, Miley headlined at Music Midtown, a festival held in Atlanta, Georgia. The outfit of choice might not be as bold as her typical choices. But her silver beaded top and sleek black pants were no random choice. In an interview Miley told Vogue that her look by Armani was to “serve Princess of Punk but bring the electricity of glam rock... to rebel against the unexpected”. That last part, to rebel against the unexpected, is exactly why I love Miley’s looks so much; she has a message behind everything she does whether people want to believe it or not. (I went to Music Midtown. Miley definitely SERVED. I promise.)

At Summerfest, held in Milwaukee, Miley’s look had a similar message. The custom look by DSquared2 involved a chiffon skirt. Miley said the thought was that the skirt would bring femininity to a rock show because the fabric is so soft and light; It perfectly contradicts a hard and heavy set.

Clearly there is a theme here. Miley perfectly portrays that being a bada** doesn’t mean you have to be any less feminine, because being feminine IS being bada**. Miley’s style choices have been so heavily critiqued throughout the years (check this article out to a literal timeline of backlash Miley Cyrus and her younger sister, Noah Cyrus, have received). But personally, I love her ideas. You may not like what she wears, but there’s no denying that the messages behind her choices are substantial to the unique fashion choices being embodied by mostly everyone nowadays.

And, it’s not like you could even cancel Miley. She’s already done it herself. 

Strike out,

Writer: Kendall Broglio

Editors: Lauren Cich & Marissa DeMaio

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