Makeup of the Tallahassee Social Scene

It is a well-known fact that Florida State University has a big social scene. Sure, it might not have been the first thing you learned about the school, but you did learn about it. It's not our parents' favorite thing to talk about, but they know too. It's something that comes with going to a big state school, and it can be a lot of fun when done right.

Many things about going out in Tallahassee are shared experiences. We all go out to the Strip our freshman year with people we met just a week before in our dorms. We all feel very cool the first time we go to Recess because of the drama and temptation of that outdoor pool. We all feel like we're the main characters in a movie when we walk back from Pots and jump in the Westcott fountain just because we can.

Going out is never really about the club or bar you end up at. It's about everything leading up to it. It's making the plan with your friends, it's figuring out the Uber and planning the pregame but most importantly, it's getting ready.

Getting ready is the best part of going out. Makeup is the most important part because the chances of anyone noticing your outfit are very low. Your makeup is the star of a night out, it sets you apart from the pack, and there's no right or wrong way to do it.

There's no better way to experience the wonderful world of nightlife makeup in Tallahassee than by seeing what real students are wearing. The following is a collection of Tally girls out on the town that we love so much. They're wearing makeup in their way, carefully curated looks or tried and true regimens, and they're enjoying themselves while looking their best.

Going out in Tallahassee can mean a lot of different things. Whether it's a bar or club or a house party, whether it's a weekend or weekday (yes, parents, your student goes out on a Tuesday sometimes) The ritual of putting on makeup to go out is one of the simple pleasures we have while we're at this school. Maybe we won't stop going out after we graduate from FSU, but it won't ever be the same.

Strike Out,

Writer and photographer: Ana Monticelli

Editors: Giselle Parks and Savannah Tindall



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