Inside 11: Our First Music, Art and Fashion Market

Step into the heart of Strike Magazine Gainesville at Inside 11 — a community-oriented event. With free entry, our first music, art and fashion market will occur this Saturday, Dec. 2, from 7-9 p.m. at Theory Gainesville's Rooftop, located at 1210 NW 5th Ave., Gainesville, FL 32601. Explore four booths led by our marketing, merchandise and finance, castings and production teams — each offering insight into our publication, while two House Hats DJs set the vibe.   

At Inside 11, check out fashion and jewelry from local vendors. Jonah Rosenblum showcases CHVRVCTERS, a defining style with an artistic edge. Jose Ramirez presents Fuck Last Call, a statement in an unconventional fashion. Ryan Barrera unveils Rings by Ryan, where jewelry becomes art. Strike Magazine Gainesville will also be selling exclusive Strike-branded apparel, including our Issue 11 snapback.

Entering a new era, Inside 11 marks a milestone—we're pioneering an event unlike anything before, redefining how we connect with the Gainesville community. It's a striking step toward innovation and rewriting the Strike Magazine Gainesville legacy. Inside 11 is a celebration of creativity and community. Don't miss this chance to connect, explore and experience Strike Magazine firsthand!


Our casting team will lead individual five-minute workshops and offer four professional digital headshots for $5. The director and assistants will answer attendees' questions and provide tips and tricks to help applicants stand out during casting calls. Lastly, they will give some insight into important dates for Issue 12. Don’t miss this! 

What has been your favorite moment from Issue 11? Which shoot are you most excited for our readers to see? 

Image courtesy: Tabi Higgins

“It’s always so hard to pick just one moment, but I loved watching the hair and makeup for the Issue 11 shoots. Seeing the visions come to life and how excited the models get about their looks is the best! I’m most excited for the readers to see our cover shoot, of course.”

In what ways do you aim to personalize the experience for each attendee within the short duration of the mock session, ensuring they take away valuable insights that suit their unique aspirations?

“We, of course, want each attendee interested to ask as many questions as possible. Our booth is all about them leaving with no questions unanswered! I think this is a great way for anyone interested in modeling for us to get insight on the casting call so they know exactly what to expect! Strike is an amazing way for aspiring models to get a feel for the magazine community!”

- Madelyn Cable, Castings Director  

Having been on staff for three issues, how has Issue 11 been different? What are you looking forward to for Issue 12? 

“The biggest change with [Issue] 11 for me is the leadership. My first two issues had the same editors leading Strike, so there was a sense of continuity between them. During those issues, I met the people who would be up next, and I was excited to see how Strike [Magazine Gaineville] would change with them. Working with new editors has been a lot of fun, and I'm excited to see what new ideas are coming in for [Issue] 12! Very excited to see what shoots we come up with!”

What is something you have learned throughout your time on staff that has proven to be pivotal to your experience? With that in mind, what advice would you give to those interested in joining the Strike Magazine Gainesville community in the future?

“Something I learned throughout my time on staff is that Strike [Magazine Gainesville] is a big production and there are many different parts you can play on staff. For newcomers, I encourage you to see all the different roles and teams that are available and keep an open mind. You might find one you love.” 

- Jason Hao, Castings Assistant 


Our production team will organize Strike a Pose: a $3 photo opportunity for guests to gain insight into what it’s like to serve as models for a Strike Magazine photoshoot.

What is one thing that you hope guests gain from the Inside 11 event? How do you feel this event deviates from Part B events of the past?

Image courtesy: Grace Barney

“One thing I hope guests will gain is an understanding of the sort of creative culture and environment that is Strike Magazine. Oftentimes our events are quite secretive up until the very end and only revealing of the final product itself. With the Inside 11 event, members of the public will get the opportunity to really see the intricate workings of Strike instead of just the final product that they usually get.”

What has been your favorite moment from Issue 11? Which shoot are you most excited for our readers to see?

“My favorite moment was right at the beginning of the semester, during our first shoot. Never in my five issues have I had to get in the position that I did then: I was down on my knees in the mud, with water spraying all over me for at least an hour, trying to get the shots how we needed them to look. It was definitely my favorite moment and the shoot I’m most excited for our readers to see. I feel that [Issue] 11 really pulls on the creative strings of each individual member of Strike. The involvement I’ve experienced in this issue is unlike anything I’ve experienced since my first.”

- Ben Apple, Production Director

Where did the production team gather the inspiration for Strike a Pose from? How does it translate to what you want to express to the guests attending Inside 11?

“Strike a Pose is an opportunity that we introduced to Strike [Magazine Gainesville] not many issues ago and has since become one of my favorite parts of our launch week events. It gives our guests a taste of being photographed and posed just like the models in our shoots. This issue we used a lot of staff feedback and ideas to create something that was truly striking. Since Inside 11 is an immersive experience for our guests to see what’s up with Strike, we created Strike a Pose with the same thought in mind.”

With this being your last Issue with Strike GNV, what is one memory that you will hold onto as you embark on this next chapter of your professional career?

“It’s difficult to think about everything that I’ve been through with Strike [Magazine Gainesville], because I don’t want it to end. I have so many amazing memories from shoots, launch week events and everything in between, but what has stuck with me through it all is how welcome I’ve always felt. Walking into a shoot or social, knowing the people around you and being able to be authentically yourself is the best feeling Strike has given me. When I used to commute from Orlando to Gainesville for shoots, there was nothing better than walking in and having my favorite people around, so we could do the thing we all loved together.”

- Gabriela Donati, Production Director

Brand Ambassadors 

Our brand ambassadors will be helping out, assisting different teams during Inside 11 to ensure everything goes smoothly and everyone has the assistance they need! They will also be speaking with potential new members, sharing their experiences on staff so far as a brand ambassador and answering any questions!

Throughout your time on staff, what is a lesson or experience that has been essential to your personal and professional growth?

“The best experience of being on staff is getting to meet so many creative cool and cool people and feeling like a part of the creative community. The best part about being a brand ambassador is learning what team I would want to join later down the line that interests me the most and I would be the best fit for.”

Image courtesy: Paris McKnight

Is there a specific shoot you are most excited to see in the magazine?

“I'm so excited to see the white shoot on the field where the styling team made all the outfits from scratch. I love sewing myself and I can't wait to see the talent from everyone! I'm really interested in the production, casting and styling teams. I'd love to work with them in the future.”

- Alexandra Kosoff, Brand Ambassador 

What are you most excited for with Inside 11 and what do you expect guests to enjoy most about it? 

“I can't wait for Inside 11! I'm sure it'll be an amazing experience. Issue 11 is ethereal and revolutionary. The Strike team's work over the last semester has filled the issue with beauty and raw talent. I cannot wait for Strike supporters to see what Strike has created through Issue 11, and I hope this issue helps extend Strike's outreach to more of our community.”

Looking forward into the future, what should Strike’s audience be most excited for in the coming issues? How do you expect our magazine to continue to evolve?

“Fashion and culture is constantly evolving and transforming. As the years go on, the people involved in Strike will put their creative flair into their work, evolving our magazine and encouraging growth from Strike staff. Art is always left up to interpretation. Strike creates content that is art, allowing every viewer to view our magazine in a different light. This ambiguity makes Strike the masterpiece that it is.”

- Sofia Sepielli, Brand Ambassador 

We look forward to giving you a closer look into the creative minds and inner workings of Strike Magazine Gainesville’s eleventh issue.

Mark your calendars for "Eleven: A Celestial Revelation," our Issue 11 launch party on Dec. 8, from 7-10 p.m. at the Range, located at 10 SE 2nd Ave. Grab tickets for $8 on Typeform or $10 at the door. Elevate your style with our style guide. You won’t want to miss it! We can’t wait to see everyone celebrate our highly anticipated launch of Issue 11. 

Strike Out,


Denisa Fluturas: Assistant Editor-in-Chief

Sofia Ramos: Editorial Director

Olivia Hansen: Editorial Director


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