In: Casual sex, Out: Body count shaming

Society has a way of making women feel shameful about having sex. This is why many of us girls feel the need to be secretive about who we’re being intimate with. Not that keeping your sex life private is terrible, but I know many girls who would like to be open about it but feel like they can’t because their sexual worthiness will be judged. How often have you wanted to go home with someone, only for a good time, but stopped yourself because god forbid you to add another body, and it’s not even someone you like? What will that say about your self-worth or your self-esteem? The answer to that question is nothing. It says nothing about your self-worth and self-esteem unless you want it to. I’m here to end the false narrative that one-night stands are a terrible idea. Here are five reasons I think that one-night stands are a GREAT idea. 

  1. Practice Makes Perfect 

The only way to master your sex skills and find out what you like and don’t like in bed is to have sex. Most times, in a one-night stand, you don’t know the person, making this your chance to try new things and explore your body without being worried about awkwardness. As I said, you don’t know them, so you don’t have to care what they think of you, you never have to see them again if you don’t want to. Sometimes, one-night stands can turn into a friends-with-benefits type of relationship. In that circumstance, you can have all the sex you like and continue to try new things. You and your FWB partner can practice with each other!

2. It Can Be a Confidence Booster

Low self-esteem who? There’s a huge misconception in this world that women who have more sex with multiple different partners have lower self-esteem than women who don’t. WRONG! In 2008, Kathryn Bieda conducted a research study and wrote about the relationship between casual sex and self-esteem. “Studies showed that women with high self-esteem had a higher number of sex partners than women with low self-esteem,” Bieda wrote. So for all of you that assume casual sex havers have low self-esteem, kiss my ass! One-night stands should remind you that you are phenomenal and fun to connect with! 

3. You’re Not Ready for a Relationship 

This is a straightforward reason why casual sex is a great idea. Many women, especially younger women, are not ready to fully commit themselves to somebody—and that’s perfectly fine. But just because you are not consistently seeing someone doesn’t mean you have to suck it up and not be intimate for the time being. Everyone needs to get a bang in every now and then or every day! Relating to the “practice makes perfect” column, you can think of these one-night stands as a time to practice so that you know exactly how you want your partner to touch you when or if you are ready to be in a relationship.  

4. It Can Be The Perfect Way to End a Party

There’s no doubt that plenty of women suffer from the “alcohol makes me extremely horny” syndrome. This isn’t a real syndrome, but boy, do many of us experience it. Obviously, nothing is guaranteed, but a few drinks can definitely boost arousal. Healthline explained that drinking alcohol increases testosterone levels in females. Testosterone is a male sex hormone, but it does have something to do with sexual desire. It may be an element in women experiencing a higher craving for sex while drinking.

5. Sex With Different People Can Help You Move On From an Ex

Granted, this method doesn’t work for everyone. I’m not encouraging putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation just to get over an ex, but if that’s what you want to do, do it. Maybe having different sexual partners will open a new door for you. Perhaps the sex you have with new people will be so much better than it was with your ex that you wouldn’t even remember their name anymore. 

All in all, there’s no reason to feel guilty about the number of people you’re sleeping with.  Strike fully condones putting your body’s needs first. Brag about it, or don’t. Just do what’s best for yourself and enjoy every second of it. 

Strike Out, 

Lili Jahromi 

Boca Raton

Lili Jahromi is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. She spends an unnecessary amount of her time idolizing Lady Gaga, sharing intimate moments with her friends, and beachin’ it with her b*tches. You can reach her at


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