I Will Have You

Inspired by Jennifer’s Body



VANESSA is a young vampire. She has fair skin and dark hair. She is bold and fierce yet there is something gentle about her. Her youth is radiant. Vanessa communicates with her eyes. She can control a man simply with her gaze and put him under a spell. Her angelic aura is highly mistaking as she is here for one thing and one thing only. To seduce him and suck his blood leaving him physically and emotionally weak. 

LEO is a young human. He is strikingly good looking, but he doesn’t know it. He presents himself clean-cut and elegant. He is usually tough and composed. But when around Vanessa all of his walls are down. He doesn’t know what it is that turns him weak. He has a calm composure, but at times his discomfort can be seen coming through. 


She seduces men and devours them. She defies all rules of love.

With a look of the eye, he’s charmed. In an intoxicating way. 

He can’t get enough of her gaze and attention. The roles have been reversed. We likely all know the feeling of getting chewed up and spit out. He tells us we’re all he wants and once he gets what he wants he’s onto the next prey. 

She makes men her prey. 

The twinkle in her eye puts men under her spell. 

She acts like she cares. She asks about his family and his past and he tells all. 

He pours his heart out. He makes himself physically and emotionally vulnerable. Once he is at his most week she attacks. 

Set and setting:

The two have gone to a picnic. It is picture-perfect. There are wine and cheese and grapes. The moss hangs down from the dewy trees. The light is golden. It is perfectly romanticized. The two are alone surrounded by green grass. 

I Will Have You


Outside of café - 9:40 AM

It is a bright sunny morning. Vanessa is wearing blue jeans and a plain shirt. She is looking bright and full of life. 

As she is coming out of the door with hot coffee in her hand she crashes into Leo. He also looks well but is now startled.


Oh well hello there Leo, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.


You… you have? I’ve called, you haven’t called back.


Oh really? Huh, I must have missed it.

Leo looks confused and slightly frustrated.


Well, what are you doing? Can I see you?


Of course, you can see me. You can always see me.


I was thinking that we could…


Don’t worry I know somewhere we would both enjoy very much. As the sun is going down tomorrow meet me at Eastside gardens. 

Leo smiles


Great, I’ll bring something nice for us to enjoy. 

Vanessa squeezes his hand and holds his gaze as she walks away.


Bye now Leo. 



At gardens – 6:15 PM

The light looks golden. Moss hangs from the trees. Leo and Vanessa are sitting on a red and white checkered picnic blanket with a spread of wine and grapes in between them. Vanessa is wearing a white dress. She looks innocent yet sexy. Leo is in jeans and a black t-shirt. 


I’m thrilled to see you! It seems like ages since I’ve had you all to myself. 


I’m quite happy to have you alone as well… more than you know. 

Vanessa leans in and softly pushes the hair away from his face. 


I’ve missed you. I mean it hasn’t been the same without you here. 


Yeah understand, but you know I like to get away for a while. 


I just wonder who you’re with… what you do. I know your eyes wander.


Don’t think that way. We’re together, now aren’t we?

Leo is laying down and Vanessa is leaning over him. 


Are you prepared?


For what?


For this all to end of course. Life is changing as you know it.

Leo slides himself up feeling uncomfortable by her intensity.


No perhaps I’m not prepared. I try to imagine where I’ll be next year and the picture is hazy. But I do know one thing. 


And what is that?

Leo hesitates  


Go on you can trust me.


I know I will want you by my side. You’re all I’ve ever wanted. 

Vanessa is distracted by his words now. He is vulnerable and it has made her thirsty for him. She stares intently at the blood pulsing in his vain.


You shall have me and I shall have you.

The wind whistles 


Perhaps we head out soon, it’s getting dark. 


Just come here my love. Your worries will be put to rest soon.

She begins to kiss his neck softly and lingers there for too long. She tightens her grip around his neck. Leo winces. 


Ah, Vanessa that hurts.

Vanessa leans and whispers softly in his ear.


Be still, relax, just enjoy it.

Leo’s vain pulses against her lips. Then she strikes. Biting him hard. Blood sprays. 

Leo lets out a deep cry of pain.

Vanessa sucks his blood, having her way with him. Then, she drops him to the floor. Leaving him pale and drained of life. Her white dress stained with blood.

Leo looks at her, eyelids fluttering.


Why did you do this? I trusted you.


That was your mistake. 

Scene end.

Strike Out,

Director: Amy Dantin

Assistant: Diane Fish

Screenplay: Alessandra Cruz

Team members: Nia Alexander and Leah Davis

Videography and Editing: Libby Berkins

Audio: Sara Fuenmayor

Photography: Abigail Blasocovich

Starring: Francesca Alfano and Justin Banton



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