I Need a Hobby

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

As much as I want to be that productive, gym rat, can't put my book down, crochet a sweater, paint a landscape type of girl, I’m not. And recently I’ve been really wishing I was. I’m not sure if it's the sudden transition into classes, my new living situation, or if I’m genuinely just lazy, but with the amount of free time I’ve had, my screen time should be illegal. I’ve come to face the fact--I need a hobby. 

The idea of having a hobby has always seemed so foreign to me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’ll read a book here and there and paint a picture every once in a while, but nothing has ever really stuck. Henceforth, my excessive (and embarrassing) amount of screen time. 

The benefits of having a hobby are indisputable. Hobbies have the ability to lower stress levels, anxiety and help cope with depression. Simply put, they bring joy. Having an outlet to relax and unwind away from a structured workplace or school environment is detrimental. And although for a while I thought my tiktok scrolling and tv binging could count as a hobby, I’ve realized I need to find something a bit more meaningful. 

But finding a new hobby is no small feat. This past week I tried everything: drawing, painting, reading. I even signed up for a gym membership and a sailing club. I mean, I’ve really tried to put myself out there. But through this week, I’ve realized, I can’t rush it. Finding a new passion doesn’t just come overnight. I need to be patient, try new things, explore my options, and enjoy the journey for a little while.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

A good hobby has no real end point. It shouldn't bring you any financial benefits or boost your resume. Rather, it should act as a kind of food for the soul. Containing no ulterior motives, a good hobby provides nothing but pure enlightenment. 

So, as you can imagine, finding this new soul food has been a harder homework assignment than anticipated. Though I am determined. Setting time limits on all of my social media, I’ve been able to pick up a new activity everyday. And although I have yet to find my niche, I can say, I already feel my free time is a bit less aimless.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

So if you’re like me and frequently find yourself stuck in a perpetuating loop of tiktoks and reality tv, I urge you to find a hobby. Perhaps connect with your inner child and paint a picture here and there, start a new book series, learn to sew. Whatever it may be, positively fill up your free time and reap the benefits of having a hobby.

Strike out, 

Amelia Sturkie 

Editor: Sophie McLeod



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