I Flew Spirit Airlines, and I’m Alive

Image Courtesy: Orlando Weekly

Photographed above is my best friend, Spirit Airlines. Am I out of my mind? Maybe just a little. This past August, I moved from Pennsylvania to Florida for college, and so far, the most difficult part has been finding affordable flights from the south up to the north. That was until I discovered Spirit isn’t the demon dispatched from hell everyone makes it out to be; in my eyes, Spirit is more like an angel sent from heaven. Realistically, this is the perfect airline for college students and people on a budget in general. Here is the full disclosure…

I actually just flew back to Pennsylvania a couple of weeks ago for a quick visit, and my round trip with Spirit only cost me a whopping twenty-eight dollars! TMI…I had a mole on my left toe that I wanted to remove, and of course, my insurance is not accepted in Florida (life can’t be that easy). Funny enough, it was cheaper to fly all the way back to Pennsylvania than drive ten minutes in Florida and have it removed.

Customers’ complaints regarding Spirit Airlines are often about the comfort of the cabin, the delays, or the fact that you have to pay for a carry-on and luggage. But, Spirit is an airline meant for QUICK traveling, not a full-on international excursion. For example, I didn’t even bother purchasing a carry-on for my quick mole-removal trip; my makeup, hair tools, and two or three outfits all managed to fit in my snug personal item. If you really have that many bags to bring on a domestic flight, simply pick another airline or improve your packing skills. I’ve traveled with carry-on bags through Spirit in the past, and the cost has been much more affordable than it would be through other inexpensive airlines such as Frontier or Jetblue.

Yes, I will admit, the cabin is not the most spacious, but as previously mentioned, Spirit is meant for QUICK traveling, so there is no need for a large amount of storage or other plane luxuries. Undoubtedly, there are times when we all feel a little claustrophobic. In this case, Spirit offers a “Big Front Seat,” which is basically a first-class domestic accommodation sold at the same price as a regular economy ticket.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

As for the delays, EVERY AIRLINE HAS DELAYS. No matter which one you fly, you are bound to face a cancellation or delay at one point or another. Personally, I feel equally as annoyed when this happens on American Airlines or Spirit. To the average joe, it really does not make a difference. Despite its reputation for constant delays and cancellations, Spirit completed the boarding process fast and orderly among all of my ventures.

When I tell people I'm flying with Spirit, I often get remarks like, “I hope you at least land” or “Nice knowing you.” I hate to reveal that I was once one of those people, but I don’t understand why when looking back now. There’s a false narrative surrounding Spirit, deeming it a dangerous airline—this is not the case at all. Spirit will get you from point A to point B like any other airline, and there’s usually occasional turbulence on most planes anyway. I can truthfully say I’ve only felt bad turbulence on Spirit once, yet the pilot kindly informed passengers before departure that there’d be bumps along the way due to winds. Now, compare this to my last American trip in which the pilot snarked over the speaker, “We’re going to reroute and avoid winds, so we don’t get killed.” The point is, the turbulence will always be there. The specific airline does not impact whether your ride will be bumpy.

As a college student, I’m always looking for the cheapest value possible. I prefer to spend my money on clothes and fun rather than overpriced airfare. I know that many students are in the same position as me, and although it might seem nerve-wracking to fly Spirit for the first time, it truly is a satisfactory deal for fast travelers looking to stay within budget. All I know is that I’ll gladly take a twenty-five dollar Spirit flight over a two-hundred-fifty dollar Delta flight any time, any day.

Strike Out,

Lili Jahromi

Boca Raton

Lili Jahromi is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. She spends an unnecessary amount of her time idolizing Lady Gaga, sharing intimate moments with her friends, and beachin’ it with her b*tches. You can reach her at jahromilrose@yahoo.com


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