How The Moon Could Be Responsible For Your Man’s Attitude Problem

So, your man has an attitude problem once again. And so does your roommate's man. And so does your coworker's man. 

It seems like it's always around the same time they all start acting so uptight, emotional, and honestly a little crazy. For one week out of every month, the heterosexual relationship stereotypes are reversed. He's blowing up your phone, picking fights, and overreacting to the most minuscule things. It's almost like… they're on their period.

It starts to become laughable, and searching for somewhere to place the blame has been seemingly impossible. "It has to be the moon," you say, giggling along with your girls. It's always been a joke, and no one's ever really believed there was any truth behind it. But recent studies show your inside joke may be right on the money. 

While we all know the moon affects the tides (and the H2O mermaids), the lunar cycle could also affect the sleeping schedule and hormones of men. 

A study conducted by researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden concluded that while the moon was waxing (getting fuller each night), men had trouble sleeping and spent more time awake than when the moon was in its waning period. 

Helen Burgess, Ph.D., co-director of the Sleep and Circadian Research Laboratory at the University of Michigan Health, also had input on this research, saying, "I think this is the first report of a sex difference in lunar cycling," Burgess and Christian Benedict, a co-author on the research and scientist at Uppsala University in Sweden, both agreed on the idea that the moon's light and gravity have an effect on humans.  

Various other studies have been conducted about the relationship between gender and the moon, some of them pointing out not only differences in sleep but also hormonal fluctuations during the phases leading up to a full moon. 

The blood concentrations of melatonin and testosterone are lower during the days leading up to a full moon. Low levels of melatonin and testosterone in men both result in fatigue, lowered stamina, depressive behavior, mood swings, and some levels of insomnia. Other studies have also shown men experiencing more emotional behavior during and around a full moon, as well as irrational anger and bloating, all symptoms women experience during their period.  

Surprisingly, the moon almost has no effect on women's sleep. While some think there could be a correlation between women's menstrual cycle and the moon, nothing has been proven. 

Although researchers have collected this information, they still don't have any concrete answers as to why the moon affects men differently. 

Even if there is no “why”, with this knowledge, it seems like pieces of the puzzle are finally falling into place. Next time the moon is on its way to becoming full, prepare yourself for the hormonal repercussions. While men may not be on a menstrual cycle, they sure as hell are on a lunar one. 

Strike Out, 

Morgan Harms

Boca Raton 

Morgan Harms is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. She is a Pisces mermaid with a love for the ocean. She spends her free time daydreaming, wave-watching, and blasting whatever music she's into that day. You can reach her by email at or on Instagram @morganjharms.


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