Get Spooked! 5 Must Watch Horror Movies for Novices to the Genre

Image Courtesy: Ultimate Classic Rock

There is no better cinematic genre than horror. That is not an opinion, that is simply a fact. You wanna know why? I’ll tell you. Horror movies are forms of expression. Acting as outlets for fear, anxiety, and discomfort, horror movies rose to prominence because of their uniqueness. Their abstract view on the world. Horror movies normalized that not every ending has to be a happy or sad one, and that’s a good thing. If you came to this article, horror movies have piqued your interest. But, there are so many movies to choose from, where do you even start? That’s a great question, which has so many answers. You’ll have people who will tell you to start with the classics, as they truly capture the raw essence of horror. On the other hand, you’ll have people who will tell you to stick to slashers or thrillers, but the truth of the matter is you have to get a sample of each one. How else are you supposed to find the genre within the genre for you? Luckily for you, I have listed five of my must-watch movie recommendations that will ultimately shape your perspective of the horror genre. (These are in no specific order, as that is an entirely different topic to tackle).

1. The Amityville Horror (2005)

When I first watched this movie, I was in middle school. Seemingly way too young for a film of this caliber, but there is not an inch of regret within me. This movie is a cinematic masterpiece through and through. For starters, the cast is phenomenal, featuring the likes of Ryan Reynolds and Chloe Grace Moretz. On top of that, the acting is raw, it feels as real as it can get. The fact that it is based on a true story makes it all the scarier. Oops, I meant better. This film embodies how the best haunting-based horror movies should be produced. Listen to me when I tell you, this is a movie you are going to want to see. You can thank me for the recommendation later. 

Image Courtesy: Strike FSU

2. As Above So Below (2014)

When I tell you this makes an argument for my favorite movie of all time in general, do not take it lightly. As Above So Below weaves historical facts into the plot changing this movie for the better. Four things: Catacombs, Hell, Treasure, and Cataphiles. Need I say more? It is filmed from the first-person perspective, giving you all the anxiety as if you were right there next to these brave explorers the entire time. Very few horror films come this well made, don’t dwell too long thinking about it. Go on, watch it. 

Image Courtesy: Mental Floss

3. Friday the 13th (1980)

This movie is an absolute classic! Yes, the film quality isn’t the best, nor is the acting, nor are the effects. Those are all beside the point. This movie shaped the horror industry as a whole, responsible for films we now know as slashers. The slasher is one who acts with a motive to exact revenge. And who doesn’t love a little bloody vengeance? Furthermore, you can’t watch modern-day slashers without seeing the gristle and bone first. By doing something like that, you do a disservice to both the genre and yourself. So don’t. Plus, young Kevin Bacon is in it, which is dope!

4. The Blair Witch Project (1999) 

The Blair Witch Project is one of the best horror movies of all time for so many reasons. It is scary, not in a jumpscare kind of way, but in more of a psychological fashion. This is a movie also filmed in the first-person perspective, following students filming a documentary on a legend known as the Blair Witch. Moreover, the actors were not provided with a complete script. In fact, most of the movie is improv, making it all the more real. Also, as a form of marketing for the film, missing person posters were created for all three actors in the film. Mind you, this was done in 1999 when it wasn’t as easy to differentiate the real from the fake on the web. This movie will have you on the edge of your seat, trust me. 

Image Courtesy: Rotten Tomatoes

5. American Psycho (2000)

American Psycho is a movie that will have you thinking for days. It takes psychological thriller to the next level. What’s real? What isn’t? That is for you to wait and see. Additionally, this is another movie with an astounding cast, involving the likes of Christian Bale (Patrick Bateman). The premise of the film itself is a rather disturbing one, however, that does not subtract from how well it is done. This is a movie that you are going to want to watch more than once, and with each viewing, it only gets better. Fun fact, the novel on which the movie is based was one of the most banned novels of the 90s. If that doesn’t convince you to watch this film, I don’t know what will. Do yourself a favor and take my advice, I’m an expert. 

Strike Out,

Writer: Lucas Zaret

Editor: Breanna Tang

Graphic Designer: Luis Arriaga



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