Four Ways to Organize for Back to School to Keep You Sane

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

The spring semester has finally started. Whether you’re a freshman or graduating this semester, time is inching closer to summer break. Senioritis might be catching up to you, or you just don’t feel like doing any work because you want to be done already. Whatever it may be, it’s important to keep pushing and get your work done to ease your way through the semester. It can be difficult, but it’s crucial to stay motivated and to do your best. Here are a few things to do throughout the semester to keep yourself together!

Image Courtesy: Strike FSU

1. Keep an Agenda

One thing I enjoy doing is maintaining an agenda as a way to organize my homework. If my assignments aren’t all organized in one place, then my head is completely scattered. Organizing my thoughts by writing them down makes my head feel less full. It allows my brain to relax and not have to constantly remember information. It doesn’t have to be pretty or aesthetically pleasing either. Don’t feel pressured to make it look good; it’s just to get your thoughts on a page. If you feel this demand to keep up and make it cute, you may feel less motivated to keep up with it for the whole semester. Let your agenda help you, not make you feel bad!

Image Courtesy: Me

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

2. Organize Your Class Assignments

One of my favorite things to do is read my syllabi whenever my classes drop on Canvas. Nerd alert - I know. I just like to see what kind of topics I’ll be learning over the semester. The least fun part is looking over all the assignments and due dates for them. Having to keep track of the due dates in 4-5 different places is hard, and I like to have it all in one calendar. Canvas has the calendar feature, but my class assignments don’t upload to it. I’ve been using the Notion app to organize all my assignments based on my class subjects and due dates. You can make it aesthetically pleasing, or you can keep it simple!

Image Courtesy: Me

3. Laptop Background

Another thing that allows you to add your own twist is creating an organized computer background. It allows for creative freedom and keeps you organized. You can create this kind of screensaver on Canva or Google Slides and give it your own aesthetic. Add cute quotes or photos that help as motivation as well! Here are a few that I designed for my laptop. I like the aura aesthetic, and I included some quotes and photos of friends for motivation. For my other one, I chose some quotes that I look at when I feel down. I also added a handful of photos of me and my friends, my favorite Youtubers, and singers. I made it in a vision board format that goes along with my New Year’s resolutions, beliefs, and what I want to come out of this year. 

Image Courtesy: Me via Google Slides

Image Courtesy: Me via Canva

4. Take Care of Yourself 

A big part of staying motivated and being organized is giving yourself time to enjoy working hard. Start with what you need before you can stay organized for life. Give yourself 30 minutes before you have to get ready for class to just relax. You can watch a video, journal, meditate, or just lay there before you have to get up. Another thing I enjoy doing is picking out my outfit the night before. You should find happiness in the slightest things like walking around your campus in an outfit that you feel good in or want to show off. Picking out an outfit is a creative outlet for me and allows me to have some choice and feel more confident, and I apply it to my schoolwork. When you look good, it makes you feel good and confident in what you’re doing.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

The second semester has always been difficult to go into the past few years. My freshman year, spring semester ended early because of COVID, and the next one, I had strictly online classes. Now we’re back to mostly in-person classes, and it feels amazing to be back in the classroom. The New Year before the semester allows us to reflect on the past year and especially the past semester. Use that to figure out what study and organizing habits you want to succeed in this last semester of the year. These things should not feel like chores or extra things to do, but like an outlet to be creative in your school life.

Strike Out,

Writer: Maddy Gleason

Editor: Breanna Tang

Graphic Designer: 



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