The Power of Friendship
Image Courtesy: Stella Turner
In the wake of a string of bad luck for both my friends and me, we’ve adopted a new mantra. We’ve taken to shouting “The Power of Friendship!” whenever we experience a beautiful moment together. It’s as sweet as it is silly. Finding moments to remind each other that we’re happy to be in each other’s presence and lucky to be alive has left me feeling sentimental. Here are some moments where the Power of Friendship applies.
College has been a rough adjustment period for me, an experience I’m sure many others can relate to. I’m not particularly accepting of change — a personality flaw I’m acutely aware of. In difficult moments during my time away, I always find myself turning back to my hometown friends. There’s something comforting about the people who have known you since you were a kid. The too-short weekends we’ve been able to spend together make my heart swell. Their impermanence only emphasizes the Power of Friendship.
Finding time to be creative and pursue a hobby can be difficult during the hectic schedule of the school year. A favorite activity of my college friends has always been collaging. We collect vintage newspapers and magazines to cut up and reassemble into vision boards and posters. The Power of Friendship lies in celebrating creativity: singing together, dancing to your favorite music and collaging at the table with a glass of wine. Get together and make something cool!
Unfortunately, true Power of Friendship moments often arise out of tragedy. In recent times of pain and grief, I have always found myself surrounded by friends whose only goal is to be there with me. In those moments, sitting close on a couch as tears mixed with tears, I often whispered “The Power of Friendship” to the people gathered around me. They responded with light giggles and group hugs. Maybe things aren’t so bad.
I encourage you to spend some time seeking out the Power of Friendship this week. Grab coffee. Call a friend from home. It’s easy to see the beauty in your life if you look for it.
Strike out,
Stella Turner
Editor: Blake Witmer