Fake Famous - Let’s Talk Influencer Marketing

Image Courtesy: Strike FSU

With the internet being the new and improved shopping mall, of course, we are all going to swoon over the latest products that influencers are raving over. Our job is to debunk what influencer-approved products are worth snagging the next time you scroll through TikTok and something catches your eye. Influencer marketing is vast, and the only way to know who the real winner here is to stay on top of the marketing trends that influencers throw our way.

Do not be fooled; the best start to reach your target audience is having an aesthetically pleasing feed and lifestyle. Before you jump on the product bandwagon, ask yourself, "Is this really worth spending my hard-earned money on?", or "Will I actually use this in my day-to-day life?". At the end of the day, if it is not a yes, it is a no. The reality of influencer marketing is that influencers want to catch our attention and sell a dream rather than a product. If we spend our money on the first thing that catches our attention, we are trusting the opinion of one person, which doesn’t make an outstanding product at the end of the day.

Image Courtesy: The Guardian

We can also put this shopping mindset into use in our daily lives, allowing consumers to manage budgets at a stricter level and be realistic about wants versus needs. In reality, influencers have their influencing jobs for a reason. It is incredibly easy to say persuasive things about a product as long as there is a payout behind the words. Truth be told, influencer marketing is just the same as commercials on TV or billboards on the side of the road. They all combine to create a sense of need and necessity by winning their audience's attention. 

While we attribute influence only to those who have millions of views and followers, virtually all content creators can be considered influencers to some extent. From micro-influencers (with less than 10,000 followers) to mega-influencers (those with over a million followers), persuasion and word of mouth are the names of the game, even if the product is of quality or not.

Image Courtesy: Get the Gloss

In truth, there is no better way to know if a product is good than reading reviews or spending your money on it and testing it yourself. Not all makeup works for every skin type, not all clothes fit all bodies the same, and there is no one-size-fits-all for life in general. There is nothing wrong with influencers getting their bag, but maybe do not be so quick to spend yours on a product just because someone on the 'gram says so.

Strike Out,

Writer: Natalie DelleDonne

Editor: Roxy Rico

Graphic Designer: Lauren Wakeman



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