Ever-Evolving Personal Style
What is personal style?
It almost sounds like an oxymoron. Personal, meaning only for me, but also style: curated by other people, made for consumption by the masses, always changing, always a new version of what is considered “in.”
Anyone can have style, but everyone can also have their own style at the same time. Things that are unique to them: what colors they wear together, what fabrics they prefer, what cuts they find flattering, etc. It is finding this sense of personal style that is the difficult part.
Personally, my style has come in eras. For the past two years, I loved green. I had green pants, green shirts, green accessories; I was the poster child for green. But now, I don’t know what style era I’m in. I feel like all my clothes fit me funny and no color speaks to me and I am just hopelessly lost and drowning in the never ending pile of old shirts that are sitting in the back of my closet.
So, how am I going to fix this?
Well, there are a few ways, but today we are going to dive into a method created by one of our very own former writers, Paula, also known as @signedpluto on TikTok.
Paula has created her own guide to finding your personal “style recipe,” a phrase that describes your personal style. Below are the links to the Tik Toks she has posted explaining this method, but essentially you will take your main outfit inspiration Pinterest board and create a new board using your own pictures and the pins from that main board with more intentional pinning. Once you have done this, analyze the common theme in your pins and find a few key words to describe the style. Then, boom! You have your very own style recipe.
Links to Paula’s Tik Tok!
To give myself more structure while I tried this method, here are the questions I asked myself:
Would I actually wear this just as it is? No changing color, fit, etc.
Could I recreate this look with clothes from my closet?
Could I see myself wearing this in a room full of people?
Would I be comfortable in this?
And… here are the results.
screenshot from Kushi’s Pinterest!
Pinterest Board if you want to see more: https://pin.it/4pIHYeOmf
I went from 936 pins of inspiration to 44 pins of things I would actually wear, and I would say my style recipe is “accessorized muted colorful.” To me this means that I prefer muted colors for my clothing and like to add accessories to make it more fun. I actually made an outfit based on this today, so this method was very useful and you should try it!
If you do, please let us know @strikemagazinechatt on Instagram.
Strike Out.
Writer: Kushi Zaver
Copy Editor: Sarah Singleton