Interesting Ways to Make your Perfume Last All Day

Image Courtesy: Allure

I think we can all agree that walking by someone who smells amazing gives a boost of serotonin, and we would all love to be that person. The biggest bummer is thinking you will smell great all day only to lose your applied scent after a couple of hours. Thankfully, there are ways to make your perfume last all day, and I’m going to share with you some of the most useful, creative suggestions.

I want to begin with an idea that is rather well-known but is truly one of the most effective ways for long-lasting perfume: Apply petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, over your pulse points before spraying perfume on them. Petroleum jelly is a mixture of mineral oils and waxes, which form a semisolid jelly-like substance. Fragrances love moist skin because they bind to your natural oils. Basically, adding petroleum jelly before spritzing gives your perfume more moisture to cling to, allowing it to last longer. Keep in mind that when you do spray on a pulse point, like your wrists, always dab and let them air dry. Never rub them together because it will dull the scent.

Image Courtesy: Daily Mail

Another method to make your perfume last all day is to match the scent of your perfume to your body wash and lotion. Fragrance layering will increase the intensity of your perfume which will allow it to last longer. For example, if your favorite scent is vanilla, buy all of your body products, including your perfume, with complementary vanilla scents. The easiest way to do this would be to purchase a body care collection from your favorite brand because it’s guaranteed they will complement each other perfectly. However, not every perfume has a matching product line, but it shouldn't be difficult to find similar fragrances. I promise this method will have you smelling (and feeling) amazing from head to toe!

This one will sound a bit odd when you first read it, but I swear it actually works. Keep your perfume in the refrigerator. The fridge maintains a chilled, stable temperature which enhances a perfume's longevity. Otherwise, be sure to store it in a cool, dry place. Storing these products in hot and humid climates will begin to degrade the essential oils and fragrance chemicals in your perfume. If you’re wearing a worn-down perfume, it surely will not last all day. Other trustworthy storage methods include a closet or a bathroom cabinet. You want to ensure that your perfumes are staying in their best condition to maximize their scent.

I also recommend investing in a high-quality fragrance. Even though other products are cheaper, an eau de toilette will never last as long as an Eau de parfum or, even better, an Extrait de parfum. It may be worth the investment to opt for a more saturated fragrance because it will never fail you. They are more expensive, but this is a case of quality over quantity because one small bottle will feel infinite.

I hope that these tips and tricks will leave you more satisfied with your daily scent. Through trial and error, you will be able to find which of these methods is right for you. After learning to enhance your fragrance, there’s a strong chance you’ll become one of those people whose scent lingers as they walk by.

Strike Out,

Writer: Kylee Mukeba

Editors: Breanna Tang & Lexi Fernandez

Graphics: Alison MacCloud



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