Creativity Isn’t a Talent, It’s a Skill!

In today’s day and age, creativity is no longer restricted to artists and inventors. The world is evolving, and companies need people who can contribute fresh and innovative ideas. The problem is that people seem to think that creativity is a unique ability, but I'm here to tell you that this perception could not be more untrue.

Creativity is inherent in all of us. While some individuals may have a stronger connection to their creative abilities than others, it exists in various forms within everyone.

Throughout my life, I've continuously engaged in various projects, whether it was choreographing dances, experimenting with scrapbooking, or even writing for a magazine (shout out Strike). Through these experiences, I came to understand that creativity isn't something innate. It’s something you really have to hone in on.

The key to embracing your creativity is to practice creativity– kind of a disappointing revelation, I know. But think about it this way: Exceptional athletes dedicate days, weeks, and even years to sculpt their bodies into peak condition. So, why wouldn't we apply the same level of commitment to training our minds? Here are a few tips to help you get your creative juices flowing.

Firstly, practice mindful and attentive observing. We find the ability to create by observing the world around us. This will help you discover new ideas and gather a range of experiences that can inspire creative thinking and innovation. The world is brimming with fascinating connections and patterns. Try to notice the connections between things. Look at how things come together or interact and how people and objects influence each other. These relationships can spark ideas and ignite your creative process.

Additionally, exercise your creativity like a muscle. Studies indicate that individuals, when consciously striving to enhance their creative thinking, tend to consistently achieve positive and noteworthy outcomes. The concept revolves around the notion that the more you engage your brain in a particular task, the stronger the connections between the involved cells become.

The key is allocating more time in your day to actively think. Try engaging in sessions where you apply the "three ifs" formula to whatever you observe or imagine. This practice is key to ingraining a mental space for imaginative thinking, a crucial element in fostering creativity and innovation.

Lastly, pay attention and take note of new ideas that come to you. As people grow older, the flow of creative ideas doesn't necessarily stop; they often just capture fewer of them. When an idea, even a small fragment, crosses your mind, make a conscious effort to save it. Record it in a note on your phone, jot it down in a notebook you keep, or even sketch it on a napkin. The most valuable aspect of enhancing creativity is effectively capturing your new ideas.

Creativity isn't an exclusive VIP club; it’s in all of our DNA. The power to create is your very own superpower, just waiting to be unleashed upon the world. Embrace it, and watch how it can transform your life!

Strike Out

Anjali Kamath

Boca Raton 

Anjali Kamath is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. When she’s not belting her heart out on karaoke she’s either at the yoga studio or spending all her money. She’s a textbook Aries and a Diet Coke enthusiast. You can reach her at


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