Craving Creativity?
Craving creativity? Here are some ways to keep your creative mind content while in college.
College is undoubtedly one of the busiest times of our lives. Nearly all of our time is taken up by our classes, studying, and jobs—not to mention maintaining a social life through friendships and participating in extracurricular clubs. It can often be difficult to balance everything that needs to be done, so much so that sometimes we neglect things that we so desperately want to do.
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For those of us born with a creative mind, college can be particularly difficult because of this. We often find ourselves left with no time to dedicate to our creative endeavors. For those of us who rely on art, this can be hard. This lack of ability to exercise our self-expression can be detrimental to both our mental health and productivity.
Over the past two years, I have started to find more of a balance and noticed that certain things help me keep my mind creative. If you find yourself struggling in the same way I did, maybe some of these tips can help you, too!
Find (or make) time.
It is important to sometimes allow yourself a break from the crushing weight of all of your responsibilities. It's okay to take a step back sometimes and breathe. I know it feels like there is no time. But I promise that you can find ten minutes to set aside.
This means that sometimes you will have to make time. The easiest way to do that is to optimize your downtime. Instead of scrolling on social media before bed, work on the short story that's been on your mind or play your ukulele for a few minutes.
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It is also important to make sure you always have the necessary supplies on hand for when you do take those breaks or have extra time, whether that is art supplies so that you can paint the piece you've been working on or a journal to pour your poems into.
Dedicating time throughout your day or week to indulge in creativity is important. So, set some goals for yourself. If you get the sudden urge to diverge from your current task because you feel inspired, that's also okay! When you return to your to-do list, you will feel more productive and fulfilled.
Get involved at your university.
There are likely several student-run organizations on your college campus that can help you stay involved and in touch with your creativity. If you're reading this, you've probably already found Strike, which means you've already fulfilled this step! But if you haven't (or if you just want to find more), do some research and find a community of creatives to help keep your spark kindled and consistently inspire you.
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By surrounding yourself with people who share your love of creativity and understand your form of self-expression, chances are you won't feel as alone. It also challenges you to keep pursuing your passions, even when you feel like you don't have the energy.
Focus on YOU
This one is so important. When you set aside time to be creative, make sure you are doing it for you. Don't just do what you have to and call it creativity. If your area of study involves your favorite methods of self-expression, it doesn't count. You still need to make time to do what you love in the way you want to.
As someone who is majoring in journalism and English Literature, I write every day. This doesn't mean that I'm writing every day. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, even though it's something I technically have to do. But that doesn't mean I'm being fulfilled in the same way as if I were writing for just myself. That's why I have to make sure to give myself time to write those song lyrics or work on that book.
Make everything creative.
This one might not seem significant but is arguably one of the most important. There are ways that we can implement creativity in our everyday lives in the simplest ways.
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We can do this by adding personal touches to our outfits, skincare, and makeup routines. By making a design in the cold foam on top of our morning cup of coffee or trying out a new recipe that exercises our ingenuity. By decorating our rooms with artwork or quotes that resonate with us–either creations of our own or by other artists. By taking advantage of the few minutes we have before class starts to create vision boards and playlists that are art forms in themselves.
There are so many ways that we can bring out the creativity inside of ourselves and let it radiate into our daily lives.
Don't forget to admire the art around you.
The last thing I've found that helps satisfy my craving for creativity is recognizing that it is everywhere. There is art all around us. We just have to look for it. It's in the vibrant colors that paint the sky as the sun sets each evening and the array of stars that sprinkle the skyline shortly afterward. It's in the way the pastel-colored flowers bloom, signaling the start of spring. There are so many beautiful, artistic aspects in our everyday life that we often miss.
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At UCF specifically, art is in the band that plays at the top of the parking garages almost every night and in the students who dance together in the level below. It's in the people who sit at the Reflection Pond to stare at the sunlight as it glistens off the cascading water. It's in the group of students who meet at Foxtail Coffee to read their poetry together. Art is everywhere, and it's truly beautiful.
It is in you and me both.
Strike Out,
Writer: Kendal Asbury
Edited by: Delaney Gunnell and Olivia Wagner
Kendal Asbury is a content writer for Strike Magazine Orlando. She's always stopping to write her thoughts down in her notes app or to take a picture of the sky. When she isn't writing, she's probably making another Spotify playlist or watching Emma Chamberlain. You can reach her at or @kendalasbury on Instagram.