Can U find a time to talk?

Izzy: Hey

Alex: hey

Izzy: I’m surprised ur still awake.

Alex: waiting up for my roommate to get back

whats up?
Izzy: I just wanted to say I’m sorry that u feel like Ive been bad at communicating recently. I was busy with midterms but that doesn’t change how I feel ab u. I wouldn’t be surprised if ur mad at me tho, I deserve it.

Alex: ur not just bad at communicating… ur completely unresponsive 

Izzy: I responded to everything, just late.

Alex: If u respond to a text 15 hours after its sent, it no longer counts 

Izzy: I’m just not on my phone as much as u r. 

Alex: oh bc ur too good for that?

Izzy: I don’t want to fight. I’m just trying to apologize.

Alex: u don’t want to fight bc uk ur in the wrong

when ur mad at me, ur fine w fighting 

Izzy: I’m never mad at u.

Alex: theres a reason for that

Izzy: What do u want me to say?


Alex: I don’t know


Can I come over?

Alex: nah

Liam is gonna be home soon. 

Izzy: U can come here if u want


A little ironic that ur no longer responding.

Alex: I’m thinking

Izzy: Can u think in my dorm?

Alex: ok, here it goes. 

the truth is, I feel like we’ve been on different wavelengths ab r relationship for some time now. I always make time for u and u bail last minute on me almost every night. at first I thought I was being needy or whatever, but we only see each other once or twice a week now and its not bc I don’t text u. idk why u stopped wanting to be w me, but its not just bc ur busy. I didn’t want to do this over text, but u blew me off three times this week already.

Izzy: Wow.

I knew things were weird between us lately, but I didnt expect this. 

Alex: Im sorry Iz I wasn’t tryna catch u off guard 

Izzy: I mean, I’m glad ur being honest. I just don’t feel the same way tho. I am not blowing u off bc I don’t love u, its bc I am actually drowning in work and school will always come first. 

Alex: and I want u to do well for med school 
Izzy: Do u tho?

Alex: YES

It just seems like u can’t manage both rn 

Im sorry, Izzy. I’ll always love u but this is better for both of us.

Izzy: Thanks for being honest. I just need a sec to process this. 

Can we get coffee tm? I need to talk this through in person.

Alex: tm I have my calc midterm

the day after?

Izzy: I really don’t have time this week besides tm 

Alex: it’s the one time I have a conflict. 

Izzy: Next Monday?

Alex: ok. text u then

I love u iz. its not that 

Izzy: Ok alex.

Love u too. 

Image Courtesy: Maya Gottlieb

Strike Out,

Writer: Riley Card

Editor: Hannah Hummel & Talia Chairman

Graphics: Maya Gottlieb

St. Louis


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