Best Movies for Some Mid-Holiday Cheer

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With Halloween over and holiday season right around the corner, a confused sense of excitement settles. Halloween movies are out, but are we permitted to watch Christmas movies in the first week of November? Seasonal depression creeps in from the new lack of anticipation. To keep the holiday spirit alive without fully embracing the Christmas cheer, here are some movies that perfectly eclipse the beauty of this time of the year.  

To make things easier, I will separate the movies into these categories: romance, coming-of-age, and cartoons. 

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Pride and Prejudice (2005): It could just be Keira Knightley’s beauty, but this movie gives the perfect mid-season feeling. If you want to see a lot of pondering in the fields of rural England and intense arguments full of desire, this movie is for you. 

When Harry Met Sally: Now c'mon, I cannot make a movie recommendation blog without including When Harry Met Sally. Not only is the fashion of this movie perfect inspiration for chic warm fits, but the angsty dynamic between the two leading characters added with the fall background gives a warm contentment in the soul. 

Twilight: I know at this point this movie is extremely basic, but it will always, without a doubt, hit this time of the year. When it is the first snowfall, watch Twilight. When the branches are completely barren of leaves, watch Twilight. The solution to everything is to watch Twilight. So please, watch Twilight

For the next category, we will focus on the classic coming-on-age film. 

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Lady Bird: This movie will destroy you, but in the best way possible. Not only is the cinematography perfect, but if you want to watch something that perfectly reflects how you feel inside, this is the movie for you. The film includes scenes of Christmas and Thanksgiving and in all matches the feeling of this time of the year. 

Little Women (2019): Greta Gerwig strikes again. Honestly, watch anything by her if you want a film that equals this time of the year. The setting of the film includes cute scenes of them playing outside and also celebrating multiple holidays. Timothee Chalamet is also in the movie if that sways you towards wanting to watch it more. 

Virgin Suicides (1999): There is just something about female relationships that translates to a great mid-season film. This movie creates a sort of creepy environment but also includes complex relationships between all the sisters. This movie is perfect for a suspenseful ending and a look at great cinematography by Sofia Coppola.

The next drama is a dramatic turn but will still add nicely to film recommendations: cartoons.

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Fantastic Mr Fox: Stop motion movies are some of my favorite types of cartoons to watch for this time of the year. The aesthetic of this movie has become iconic, and Wes Anderson changed the way cartoons are viewed with the creation of this movie. The colors and images alone give the precise feeling we are looking for, but it also has a fast moving plot with lovable characters. 

Coraline: I know, very basic again, but this movie is SO GOOD for this time of the year. Although it could give off a more Halloween feel, the overall setting of this movie is this fantastical land that contrasts the inner depression of Coraline over his displacement. The images are again, also amazing, and this movie always makes me want to cry at the end. 

Hopefully these movies will be able to tie you over until you can socially accept watching Home Alone. Some of these movies may be basic, but is that not what this time of the year is for? Watch whatever movies you like, and fend away that seasonal depression.

Strike Out,

Jaclyn Camp

University of Notre Dame

Editors: Elisabeth Olsen and Maddie Arruebarrena


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