AOC Brought the Working Class With Her to the Met Gala and Looked Good Doing it

A seat at the Met Gala costs about $35,000, while tables go for over $200,000. The guests at the event weren’t “working class” by any means, so showing up in a dress that says “Tax the Rich” was pretty bold given the circumstances. Some say it was hypocritical to have such a slogan written on your back while attending one of the country’s most prestigious, most expensive events. Still, maybe it was the perfect place to make such a statement.

Did we expect anything less from the congresswoman?

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and her boyfriend didn’t pay for their seats, they were guests at the Met, but she didn’t let that stop her from being an activist. She used the opportunity to take the theme of “American Independence” into her own hands.

In an interview with the New York Times, the designer, Aurora James, explained the concept behind the design of the gown. She wanted to interpret the theme with “honest output” and not overthink it too much. James even had one of her designers write out the words “Tax the Rich,” which was the final product for the embroidery. The specific placement wasn’t an accident; they decided to have the words go with her body shape, a message for those who “want to control women’s bodies.” James also designed her shoes adorned with the Puerto Rican national flower to tribute AOC’s Puerto Rican roots. She created the ivory dress to resemble a suit, honoring AOC’s role as a congresswoman.

While some perceive her gown as “performative,” James explains that AOC is someone who works every day for the working class, and she wanted to use her platform to bring that with her to the Met, an event surrounded by the very people who needed to hear her message. “There’s a lot of people who gain access to rooms like that and are too afraid to rock the boat,” James told the New York Times.

AOC was not afraid to rock the boat. In fact, she intended to do just that, representing the trials and tribulations this past year has brought—pain, loss, and real suffering. She used the opportunity to bring “the rich” into those conversations rather than hide from them. Her feedback from the guests and people working the event was overall positive. James noted that the staff was mostly comprised of non-white people, and they were excited about her statement. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez received a lot of criticism, but that’s to be expected when such a statement is made. However, she did not ignore this feedback. Instead, she took to Instagram to defend her case and explain the message behind the design.

“The time is now for childcare, healthcare, and climate action for all. Tax the Rich,” she said in her post. She gives credit to James, stating she is “proud to work with a sustainably focused, Black woman immigrant designer.” In response to criticism of her attendance at the Met, she defended herself by expressing that city officials like herself are regularly invited to oversee cultural events.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez once again did not sit still and look pretty. She took the opportunity to bring the working class to one of the most prestigious events in America. With intention, she said what she came to say, and her audience couldn’t have been more perfect.

Strike out,

Writer: Emma Saunders

Editor: Melania Zilo

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