A Statement through Fashion

Image Courtesy: Vogue

Celebrities have always had extensive exposure in media, especially for red carpet events where their publicity is mostly focused on their looks and creating the next trend in fashion. However, there have also been recent incidents of celebrities using fashion as a tool to address the greater issues in the world. 

These celebrities who have taken advantage of their platform and influence during pivotal publicity occasions have either faced scrutiny or encouragement from the public. The decision to divert the attention from themselves towards a cause or political action is not a simple decision. Many tend to view the act of dressing to address injustice in society as unnecessary or excessive for the event and taking away from the actual purpose of the event.

In addition, some may disagree with the celebrity who is advocating because the power of public opinion is driven by belief and preferences and with the choice to either approve or disapprove of the celebrity’s actions. At the end of the day, this action to pursue the message by someone famous is a big feat in itself. They express their want for change and campaign for what kind of change through their style is a mental and physical choice.  No one decides to be picked apart for the beliefs they hold and rather than discarding them to appease the public many celebrities will endure the brunt of backlash for not conforming to public opinion.

Image Courtesy: Insider

Celebrities are not the only ones who take a stand through their attire, citizens of any status seize the opportunity to let their opinions show on their shirts, jeans, and everything in between. Why has it become controversial for celebrities to exercise this freedom of expression and not for peers? 

Is it due to the plethora of people the celebrities have influence over? Why do people blindly trust infamous figures and not look into political issues themselves? When did it become acceptable for society to become lazy about issues and trust popularity as opposed to validity? How does a fan become a sheep and the celebrity a shepherd for how to decide on issues? Or is it the other way around and celebrities are shaped by popular societal opinions in how they should respond to such issues?  

Image Courtesy: Insider

The process of choosing what to wear is comparable to choosing who you are and who you want to be. The attire can shapeshift you into an advocate, a law-abiding citizen or a rebel without a cause. The concept of clothes customizing our consciousness to others around us is a powerful tool that conveys aspects of ourselves that would only be revealed through conversations. Celebrities hold the same power but it is amplified due to the trust many of them have at their disposal due to a lack of separation between public and private life. 

Strike Out,

Writer: Kohana Bondurant

Editor: Kaninika Dey



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