A How-To Guide on Your Fashion Forward New Year Resolution

Image Courtesy: Tumblr

We’ve all heard the saying, “New Year, New Me” that has been attached to the annual goal-setting mindset: New Year Resolutions. When planning the best version of ourselves, we focus on taking care of our bodies, our minds, and our self confidence. We are challenged to let go of what holds us back and implement more effective routines. These ideas can be displayed not only in personal growth, but they can also be placed in our wardrobes. A few resolutions to add to your list are: challenging yourself to be more experimental, budgeting on your shopping (without having to sacrifice your style), and allowing yourself to be more present on your social media platforms.

Be More Experimental

Being more experimental in your wardrobe can empower  you to find yourself more than you can imagine. Ask yourself, what holds you back from wearing certain fashion trends? Why do you gravitate towards patternless over patterned? What made you pick up the black bottoms over the bright red ones? Experimenting outside of your fashion “safety net” can bring you more confidence as you fight your inner doubts of not being able to pull something off. Celebrities such as Bella Hadid, Tracee Ellis Ross, and Jaden Smith have been known for rocking statement pieces, colorful outfits, or breaking gender norms. Hadid is a great example of confidently strutting unique pieces on the street, and they don’t have to be too bright. While Hadid often wears earthy tones, what makes her outfits pop are implementing statement pieces. These have included pairing safe basics with colored pants, or a bright jacket/coat. If you’re looking to slowly ease in, try starting with your safety net essentials and switching one article of clothing out for something you’ve been too shy to wear. 

Once you get more comfortable with experimental wear, you can take more inspiration from Tracee Ellis Ross or Alani Figueroa (better known as @wuzg00d on instagram). While Ross has shown that she can incorporate statement pieces into some casual outfits, what these two fashion icons are truly known for is embracing color. Figueroa is known for a bright palette and may just be the queen of coordinating. Once you feel comfortable with switching one item of clothing out for a statement piece, try to coordinate that pop of color with an additional one. An easy way to add more color is to work on complementing tones (blue complements orange, red complements green, and purple complements yellow. If you switched out your basic top for a statement top or jacket, try this out with your shoes. If you switch out pants, try adding a hat. It’s up to you to make this additional piece match the same color of your statement piece, or have it be a complimentary color to your statement piece. This evenly distributes your color range throughout your entire outfit; it brings it together while still standing out. 

Experimenting with your outfits has no limits, especially not the ones put in place by traditional gender norms. Jaden Smith and Young Thug proved us right when they rocked their skirts and dresses in a few of their own photoshoots. Embracing and accentuating your masculine and feminine features with articles of clothing are great parts of the art of fashion.  There are no rules as to who can and can’t rock these pieces. Getting out of your comfort zone with fashion is an empowering experience that should (if not already) be a box ready to be ticked by the end of the year.

Budget your Shopping List

Image Courtesy: InconnuLAB

Keeping your spending habits low does not mean you have to sacrifice your dream outfits. While retail therapy can be an expensive form of “treating yourself” after a long day, it’s important to keep your priorities straight. When shopping for an outfit, remind yourself that you don’t need a new outfit for every event, you don’t need too many articles of clothing, and looking expensive doesn’t mean it has to be expensive. Minimalist wardrobes are proof that you can look classy, street, or attain any fashion-directed goal you have in mind with just creating different combinations. With that being said, if there’s anything you want to invest your money into, it’s quality basics. Quality over quantity is not only a motto that can be implemented into everyday life, but also reinstated within the slow-fashion community. Whether it’s quality friendships over quantity, the same goes for your “go-to” essentials. Fast fashion may be affordable in a short term satisfaction, but there’s no point in continuously spending money on a brand new article of clothing that will ruin itself in the wash within a month. Investing in quality made essentials can save you money in the long run. Budget yourself to spend a fair price for items such as a basic top, a good pair of slacks, or shoes that can go with anything. Make sure you feel good wearing these pieces, that they flatter you in those little ways some fast fashion store’s alternatives might not. Invest in accessories that can last a long time in their elements and durability, these can seriously change your whole outfit into looking expensive. As for the rest of your wardrobe , try to find pieces in a second hand store or rock some hand-me-downs. With a pandemic among us, there are endless options that you can search for and find barely worn on consumer to consumer platforms such as Poshmark and Depop. These places tend to have very durable and quality clothing inside, that’s just what makes them a good find.

Allow Yourself to Post on Social Media

Image Courtesy: Kaye’s Instagram

Social media is often associated with the insecurities of people comparing themselves to photos of others. This is a valid feeling of self-doubt many have faced where they question their own beauty, set higher standards for themselves, and shy away from being a part of it. Posting on social media may feel intimidating, but don’t overthink it. Feeling confident and making the effort to dress up on a random day (especially amidst a pandemic) deserves some recognition. Try to bring yourself to look at your own photos and feel the same love you would have for a friend of yours; Show yourself off. Your social media platforms should be full of shameless self admiration. Challenge yourself to get out of bed, wear something that makes you feel at your best, and show it to the world. Try casual posting and take pictures of you and what you seem to like throughout the day. Forget about the number of likes and followers for a moment and make these platforms yours.  Find your preferred angles, experiment with editing, and push yourself out of the  traditional beauty standard that was both put into place by society yet also meant to be broken by us. Whether it’s for yourself or for your career, social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok have shown how easy it is for people to be recognized for their passions. Wisdom Kaye (@wisdm8 on TikTok), a 19-year-old TikToker began posting his fashion tips and outfits in January 2020. He was discovered and signed to IMG Models within his one year of being active on the platform. From artists, musicians, to fashion forward users, the connections you may get are limitless. Put yourself out there and for others— you never know what opportunities will be presented to you.

Strike Out,

Writer: Danielle Cuestas

Editors: Keegan Myers and Emma Kealey



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