A Guide To Living In Delusion

My breath catches in my throat as I step through the door, but it doesn’t show. I am the most glorious, transcendent being to grace the floors of this crowded room, to sip from these champagne flutes. My aura is gold and a buzz of coolness radiates from me slowly sinking into the minds of others that I am all good things. I make eye contact with strangers knowing that I am what they desire but cannot have. I am beautiful. I am graceful. I am delusional. 

Delusions have carried me through my worst times. The romanticization of my life has cushioned the blows of insults and harsh words every time they have threatened to destroy my weak shield. They fill my mind with hopes and dreams that I would otherwise deem impossible in my rational state. Being delusional has made my life significantly better not only in my mind but also in real life. 

There are many modern components to being delusional. Manifestation, daydreaming, and daily affirmations all fall under the umbrella of being delusional. Your words hold power. The more you tell yourself or others something, the truer it becomes and the more your subconscious soaks it up. If you are consistently self-deprecating, you will start to believe yourself, and it will manifest into your reality. On the flip side, if you are constantly lifting yourself up and telling yourself that you are amazing and smart, you will naturally work towards being better. Today I want to share with you my best tips and tricks on being delusional and happy.

Write it Down 

Sit down for a couple of minutes each day and let your mind run wild in a notebook that is just for daydreaming. Write about the awesome city you’re moving to or the garden you’re cultivating, write about anything and everything that makes your life awesome, especially if it’s not real…yet. 

Surround Yourself with Dreamers 

The people who are around you matter. Friendship is a constant exchange of energy and mindset; if the people around you are pessimistic and negative, you will slowly become that way. Always surround yourself with people who are positive and bring joy and fulfillment to your life. 

Practice! Practice! Practice! 

Whenever you’re walking somewhere imagine you’re roaming the streets of Greece or if you’re driving imagine that you are starting that one road trip you've always wanted to take. Stay aware of your aspirations and never lose sight of your passions. 

Being delusional is not a bad thing. A dream has no rhyme or reason and is not achieved through being realistic. Dreams are achieved through the leaps and bounds of delusion. I hope you continue to chase your dreams no matter how far they may seem. The more you dream; the more you’ll do. Stay delusional. 

With love, 


Strike Out,

Written by: Kushi Zaver

Edited by: Jane Dodge

Graphic by: Gus Gaston


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