Girl, Just Make The First Move!

We’ve all said it. Dating in this day and age has changed drastically, for the better but primarily for the worst. From dealing with creeps on dating apps, cringing at Youtube couples, and breaking down after another 21 questions-talking stages, it's just all so discouraging.  In all seriousness, traditional courtship is practically dead. So unless you are Mormon or in an evangelical cult, the thought of marriage is probably the last thing that comes to mind during the initial period of getting to know someone.

Human interactions have just become so overcomplicated. People with basic communication skills should be on an endangered species list. I know I am tremendously down bad, but it’s true. With social media allowing us to contact one another so quickly with no effort, it’s as if we have forgotten the true meaning of making connections. As a woman, I am guilty of simply liking a story or picture of someone and believing that it was an act of flirting alone. It sounds depressing, but the more accessible communication has gotten, the more difficult it has been to speak to one another without a phone. We all have gotten less bold with pursuing our significant others. Historically, women attracted to men have usually waited for them to make any romantic advancements toward them. Rightfully so, we're always the prize and all, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying a more modern approach. I am rooting for the women who make the first move.

Women are expected to take a more inferior stance in every aspect of society. Whether it's an opinion on education, politics, or their bodies, we must ride the backseat of every crucial decision. Why should that continue into who we choose as a partner? Why should girls be seen as submissive and timid to be desirable? There is no fun in waiting. Just picture it; You get approached by a guy who’s a six on a good day. Who eventually you’ll think is funny, settle for, and then be cursed into a miserable one-sided relationship with someone you would have never approached first? Women willing to put themselves out there and initiate relationships have more success than those who wait for someone to find them. 

According to the website Hellogiggles, a 2018 Personality and Individual Differences study showed that women have better sexual experiences when they make the first move. Girls have been taught to put their feelings aside and cater to the ones they care for before anything. But it will lead to misery; having the confidence to decide for your future should motivate you to put yourself first in all aspects of life. Stereotypically, society has determined that women who are attracted to men would be seen as a “turn-off” if they were to be bold enough to make the first move. But in actuality, it’s the opposite;  a study done in 2005 by the Journal of Sex Research states that 72% of men preferred women who made the first move. So stop overthinking, make the first move, and be happy with the guy you want. It is all about having standards and fighting for your peace, which applies to numerous areas of your livelihood besides dating. Every girl could use that newfound confidence to pursue her dream job, university, or person. Women should find more courage to find happiness than settling for below average. Of course, people might see issues with women being initiators, but believing in true gender equality is advocating for them!

Strike Out, 

Gael Laguerre 

Boca Raton 

Gael Laguerre is the baddest writer for Strike Magazine Boca. She’s a textbook  Aquarius: super hyper-independent but also super hot. In her free time, she enjoys music festivals, writing sad poetry, and oversharing on twitter. You can reach her by or Instagram @gael.lynn


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